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Which has the greater potential for being immortal? Words or music? Books/poetry or operas/ symphonies? Why do you think so?

Posted - January 13, 2018


  • 5391
    Words. Not even close. What are books, poetry and operas without words?
    The pen is mightier than the sword.

    I can’t think of many wars fought over a song, or masses being jailed or persecuted because of a piece of music.

    We can cite, ad nauseum, selections of words from sacred books that have shaped our collective thinking from time immemorial. Often to great detriment. 
    Words, particularly the “wrong” words, cannot be overstated in their potential to breed destruction, or the right words to inspire us. This post was edited by Don Barzini at January 13, 2018 8:07 AM MST
      January 13, 2018 7:12 AM MST

  • 113301
    Have you never been transported by a symphony Don B? I love words and play with them all the time. But emotionally nothing moves me like music. Nothing. The 1812 Overture is my single favorite piece of music. Or An  American in Paris or Rhapsody in Blue. Music can soothe me and comfort me and make me very happy. I react very quickly to it. The melody is what is moving to me. Now some melodies happen to have very nice words. "Sunrise, Sunset" or " Dust in the Wind" or "Send in the Clowns". But it is the music that reaches me most deeply. Also there is this. Lies require words. I think there is no music that was ever written that was based on lies. Music is pure . Just my opinion. Thank you for your thoughtful answer ! :)
      January 13, 2018 7:37 AM MST

  • 5391
    I have indeed, Nothing compares to live musical performance. 

    Music, in the sense of melodies and harmonies is, to me, it’s own reward, but a merry distraction; it won’t substitute for, nor reach the level of importance of words that shape our positions about the world. 
      January 13, 2018 8:05 AM MST